
Hello, I’m Andy.  I like to take photographs.

I’m not a photographer.  At least, I don’t call myself a photographer.  I just like to take photographs.

Whenever I’m out taking photographs, someone asks me what I’m doing.  Sometimes they ask where they can see my photos.  So I made this website.

My website shows some of my photos.  If you’re really interested, it’s also where you can read my thoughts on taking some of them, and maybe tell me how awful they are.

I don’t pretend that my photos are any good.  I’m a learner.  Hopefully this website will also document my learning journey and improvement.

My portfolio shows my collections of photographs.

My blog is where I sometimes talk about taking my photographs.

My FAQ is where I answer the most common questions I’m asked when I’m out and about with my camera, and the questions I’m asked about my website.

If you still want to contact me after reading all that, that’s what the Contact page is for.